安科瑞 鐵塔差異化配電 通信基站直流6回路電能表 AMC16-DETT
AMC16-DETT 基站直流電能計量模塊主要是針對有共享需求,且開關電源無分用戶電量計量功能的基站而設計的。儀表可對六個回路的直流電能進行計量,并可為配套的霍爾傳感器提供工作電流,同時可通過上位機軟件實現零漂校準,具有遙測、遙信、遙調、實時電量計量、供電質量異常告警、信息存儲及處理、信息交互等功能。
該模塊可分別計量三家運營商的直流用電量,為基站節能改善提供詳細的數據依據,為直流配電設備提供分項計量解決方案。模塊具有工業標準的 RS485 通訊接口,采用 YD/T1363.3-2014 規定的通訊協議,符合中國鐵塔有限公司 Q/ZTT 2205-2017《基站直流電能計量模塊技術要求》相關技術要求。
安科瑞 時麗花 18706162823
In the first year of 5G in 2020, our country's communications industry is undergoing vigorous development, and major operators and tower groups are deploying a new generation of communications base stations. With the rising of power consumption, the operators have made research on intelligent power monitoring and energy-saving management of base stations.
Operator base station sharing can reduce social investment capital, but the energy consumption problem plagues major operators. The multi-circuit energy meters can measure AC and DC equipment in the base stations and the data is uploaded to the LSC through FSU. Then, it is transmitted to the CSC monitoring platform to ensure the reliable operation of the base station.
Base station dynamic environment monitoring system
Schematic diagram of base station power supply
The base station power supply system consists of AC and DC power supply systems. AC power supply system consists of one channel mains power supply, one channel oil machine power supply, surge protector and AC distribution box. DC power supply system consists of switching power supply and storage battery.
The switching power supply, air-conditioning, lighting and sockets in the base station are all powered by the AC distribution box, and high-precision sub-metering is achieved through multi-circuit AC meters. The various communication equipment in the base station is mainly powered by DC system and the base station DC energy meter can realize energy consumption monitoring of them, and finally connects to the dynamic monitoring platform through FSU.
AC Multi-circuit Energy Meter
安科瑞 時麗花 18706162823
DC Multi-circuit Energy Meter
安科瑞 時麗花 18706162823