安科瑞 師晴晴
安科瑞 師晴晴
1. 概述 General
PZ 系列可編程智能三相電流、電壓表,采用交流采樣技術,可直接測量三相電網中的 電和電壓。既可用于本地顯示,又能與工控設備連接,組成測控系統。儀表可具有 RS-485 通訊接口,采用兼容 Modbus-RTU 協議;可將電量信號轉換成標準的模擬量輸出;或帶一路 繼電器報警輸出;或帶四路(兩路)開關量輸入/兩路開關量輸出。根據不同要求,通過儀 表面板按鍵,對變比、報警、通訊等參數設置和控制。 PZ Series programmable intelligent three phase current, voltage meter, adopting AC sampling technology, can directly measure current and voltage of three phase grid. It can be used for local display, and connecting industrial control device to form measuring control system . Meters have RS-485 communication interface, adopt compatible Modbus-RTU protocol; can change electric parameter signal into standard analog output; or with l channel relay alarm output; or with 4 channel(2 channel) switching input/ 2 channel switching output Based on different request, by pressing related keys on instrument panel, parameter setting and control of transformation ratio, alarm, communication etc. can be done.
2.產品型號規格 Type and specification of products
安裝說明 Installation instruction
儀表安裝時,松開固定支架鎖緊螺釘,取下固定 支架,將儀表嵌入安裝孔內,裝上固定支架,擰緊螺釘, 使 儀表安裝牢固,不松動即可。 When meter is installing, loosen locking screw of fixed support, take down fixed support, embedded meter into mounting hole, restore fixed support, tighten screw, fix meter firmly
三相可編程智能電表推薦 三相可編程智能電表推薦