充電樁用電能表 光伏逆變器配套計量電表
安科瑞ADL200 單相電子式電能表主要用于計量低壓網絡的單相有功電能(總電能計量(反向計入正向),3 個月歷史電能數據凍結存儲),同時可測量電壓、電流、功率等電量, 并可選配 RS485 通訊功能,方便用戶進行用電監測、集抄和管理。可靈活安裝于配電箱內,上傳到安科瑞Acrel-7000工業能耗管理云平臺實現對不同區域和不同 負 荷 的 分 項 電 能 計 量 , 統 計 和 分 析 。
經過SGS(英國)的MID技術專家對安科瑞導軌式電能表產品嚴格、細致的指導和審核(After SGS (UK) MID technical experts comprehensively, rigorously and carefully guide and review Acrel din rail energy meters),確認江蘇安科瑞電器制造有限公司生產的ADL200單相導軌式電能表質量符合MID相關標準(it is confirmed that the quality of ADL200 single-phase din rail energy meter produced by Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co., LTD. complies with MID related standards),并于2021年7月22日向我公司正式頒發了MID證書(證書編號0120/SGS0496)(and on July 22, 2021, SGS (Finland) agency officially issued MID certificate(Certificate No. 0120/SGS0496) to our company)。
本次MID證書的獲取,是對我司現有的工廠質量管理體系和產品質量的一種肯定(The acquisition of the MID certificate this time is an affirmation of our company’s existing factory quality management system and product quality),只有遵循國際化的品質要求才能做出讓客戶滿意的產品,只有做讓客戶信得過的企業,才能持續為廣大客戶服務(Only by following the international quality requirements can we make products that satisfy customers, and we can only be a company that customers can trust. In order to continue to serve our customers)!
MID Tip:
計量器具指令(Measuring Instruments Directive,簡稱 MID)2014/32/EC,歐盟已在2004年4月30日通報該指令,并于2006年的10月30日起強制實施,是歐盟用來監督管理計量器具的法規.
Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EC, the European Union has officially notified the directive on April 30, 2004, and will be enforced on October 30, 2006. It is used by the European Union for supervision and management. Regulations on measuring instruments.